Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Whose interests are these people protecting? Are they those of the undergraduates presently at home on compulsory holiday? Are they those of the women in their States suffering from Vesicovaginal fistula? Are they those of the teeming unemployed graduates in their respective states? Are they those of the infants that die before the age of five just because of inadequate ante-natal care offered to their mothers at their primary healthcare centres? Are they those of the numerous peasant farmers who do not get farm machines to ease their farm work?
Are they those of the National Youth Service Corps members posted to their states and have no access to the basic necessities of life? Are they those of the teachers in their states who go on strike for lack of unpaid allowances? Are they those of the senior citizens who served the states with their heart and might only to be left unpaid their entitlements after retirements? Well the list is endless. I hope they heed the voices of these people as soon as they read this.

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